You can embed your chat in any web page with the following HTML code:

<iframe src="CHAT-URL-PATH" style="width:100%;background-color:transparent;height:400px;border-width:0"></iframe>

In case you want your iframed chat to be semi-transparent with a visible background image from the parent page:

AdminCP ยป Style ยป Custom CSS

/* Transparent black bg color: login/register and chat page */

/* Transparent white bg color: login/register and chat page */

There is a new cookie requirement (Aug 2020) that affects both Firefox and all Chromium based browsers. In case you cannot login to chat when running it in an iframe from another domain add or alter $cookieparam in config.php:

$cookieparam='SameSite=None; Secure;';

Cross-domain iframes also require allow attribute in order to have voice/video messages, calls and geolocations enabled.

<iframe src="CHAT-URL-PATH" allow="geolocation; microphone; camera; fullscreen"></iframe>

Page updated: 2022-10-05
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