
To display Stimoji (Sticker Emoji) + Search in the sticker box download a Stimoji pack from our support center, unzip and upload in a separate folder in your main chat folder e.g. stimoji. Go to AdminCP ยป Settings ยป Stimoji Settings and submit the name of the folder. A searchable database index will be created automatically. This feature is affected by group permissions.


If you choose to upload your STIMOJI FOLDER inside the folder /stickers, make sure that its name contains _ (underscore) or - (dash); e.g. stickers/sti_moji or stickers/sti-moji.

Tenor GIFs

To display GIFs to post + Search in the sticker box go to register and get an API KEY. Go to BlaB! WS Pro Admin CP ยป Settings ยป GIF Settings and submit your API key in the provided box. This feature is affected by group permissions.

Page updated: 2022-10-05
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