How to install - Debian/Ubuntu + Apache


A websocket service and a websocket server are the same thing. We call the server part of our chat software a websocket service rather than a websocket server to easily distinguish it from web servers, MySQL servers, hosting servers, DHCP servers. Websocket service = websocket server = blabws-server-pro

Step 1

Download blabws-server-pro 32-bit or 64-bit, unzip and upload the folder blabws-server-pro under your /opt directory so that the path to the blabws-server-pro executable file is: /opt/blabws-server-pro/blabws-server-pro

Make sure that the file is executable: chmod +x /opt/blabws-server-pro/blabws-server-pro or Filezilla ยป File Permissions ยป 755

Step 2

Enable an Apache module called proxy_wstunnel with the following command:

a2enmod proxy_wstunnel

Add to the config file of Apache outside VirtualHosts or inside the virtualhost directive of your website:

ProxyPass "/MyWsServer/" "ws://"

Save the file and restart Apache: systemctl restart apache2 or systemctl restart httpd

Step 3

Download BlaB! WS Pro (client), unzip the content in an empty folder and upload it to your server under your website root directory. CHMOD blabwspro/config.php to 666, blabwspro/attachments to 777 and navigate with your browser to YOUR-URL.COM/blabwspro/index.php and follow the instructions (3 steps only).

Step 4

At the end of the installation process you'll see a link to the Admin CP - go to Server, and set:

Save with OKAY, start your server from BOARD ยป WEBSOCKET STATUS, press the ESC key to display the menu, hit EXIT to go to chat.


Websocket as a systemd service

Alternative: without telnet and shell_exec (client 19.01 and above)

Page updated: 2024-10-08
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