Time Machine

Time Machine displays predefined messages in chat at intervals. Settings: AdminCP » Machines » Time Machine. A list of messages is called a sequence. Sequences are executed simultaneously, can be combined, postponed, excluded in case the chat is reloaded within a period of time and formatted as regular messages or fancy announcements. Users receive different messages based on group, room, sequence already seen etc. The visual look of the sequence items is controlled using a template that contains HTML, CSS, JavaScript, {TIME} and {TEXT}. {TIME} and {TEXT} are dynamically replaced with the current time of the user and the sequence item itself.

Sequence Template

The default message template A and some ideas for announcements can be selected from the drop-down menu TEMPLATE. Here is a template based on Message template D the one with an avatar in the message (123 = userID; 4 = groupID):

<div class="msg">
<span class="avt" style="background-image:url(avatar.php?q=123)"></span>
<span class="chat_area_user g4">SomeUser</span>
<span class="chat_area_time">{TIME}</span>
<br> {TEXT} </div>

Sequence Items

The built-in preview('data|id',typeNum) function can be used in order to show an address on GoogleMap, YouTube video etc. Note that mp3, mp4 and images can be loaded from the /attachments folder only!

DescriptionSequence item
ImageHere's my <span style="color:red;cursor:pointer" onclick="preview('attachments/image.jpg',1)">photo</span>
MP3Here's a <span style="color:red;cursor:pointer" onclick="preview('attachments/music.mp3',2)">song</span>
MP4Watch this <span style="color:red;cursor:pointer" onclick="preview('attachments/video.mp4',3)">video</span>
GoogleMapsThe office is <span style="color:red;cursor:pointer" onclick="preview('London, 221B Baker Street',5)">here</span>
YouTubeWatch this <span style="color:red;cursor:pointer" onclick="preview('1yH7wPDkRR0',6)">YouTube video</span>
SoundCloudFind us on <span style="color:red;cursor:pointer" onclick="preview('alfredo-guzman-navarro',7)">SoundCloud</span>
VimeoWatch this <span style="color:red;cursor:pointer" onclick="preview('328542652',8)">video</span>

A proper link that opens a new window and a copy/paste dialog in the mobile apps:

Here's my <b onclick="wopen('https://yahoo.com',1)" class="x_accent_fg pointer">website</b>...

Time Machine

Import demo sequences

ACP » Machines » Time Machine » New sequence » Import

Page updated: 2024-01-03
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